Friday, September 18, 2009

Hello everyone! Well, it will be harder to update this blog than I originally thought, considering the rather limited amount of internet access we have and just general business. These past two weeks have been great! There's no way I can cover everything, so I'll try to give a general idea instead. So this is the old Convent-I get to come home to this every time we come back from town, which we bike to. The people here are quite friendly. It's a small town of 4,000, so everyone knows where we're from. Our first week was orientation and involved fish and chips on the beach, biking into town fora photo scavenger hunt, viewing sheep shearing, taking a few hikes, and getting kicked out of the convent for the weekend. Most of us headed off to Christchurch for the weekend where we watched a rugby game and went to church at the cathedral while most of the guys went to conquer the mountain.
There was snow on some of our hikes too! It's great to actually see snow and green at the same time-hurrah for an actual spring!

This picture is from our time at the botanical gardens in Christchurch. Coming from the wop-wops (kiwi for country) to Christchurch was quite a change, so we had to spend time with greenery. We came back from Christchurch and took our first week of class, which ended yesterday. The class was taught by Mick Duncan, who's a pretty cool kiwi. Now, I don't have an official class for another 4 weeks! Crazy. Well, I'd better sign off. Why not end with Stuart?

Yes, we have a lamb. He's adorable, but really really stupid. Once you catch him, he's great. Until you catch him though, he'll run as far and fast as he can. Crazy lamb. If you want, there's also another blog that the staff is running. It will be located under the South Pacific blogs:

Until later, I miss and love everyone! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. yay lizbeth! i've been waiting for this for forever! glad you're having a great time!
